Why Everyone Needs to See a Chiropractor

Posted on: 3 February 2017

You have probably had your child walk on your back at some point when your spine felt a little 'off'. Unfortunately, the relieving effect of the classic 'walking on the back' is usually very temporary and this is simply because this chiropractic adjustment was not done the right way. There is also the huge risk of making the situation worse. Chiropractic is a modern day non-medical art that has been practiced in ancient Egypt and Chinese medicine.
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Non-Pharmaceutical Treatment Options for Short-Term Back Pain

Posted on: 25 January 2017

The structure of the human back is complex and consists of numerous muscles, bones and nerves. This means that it is challenging to find the exact cause of complex back pain. On the other hand, if a person develops sudden back pain, the cause is rarely a serious disease or major damage. In most cases, the aches and discomfort can be attributed to minor strain, muscle overuse, nerve irritation and stress due to poor posture.
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