Chiropractic Care For Babies

Posted on: 13 June 2023


Did you know chiropractors can treat babies? Chiropractors can use the same manual adjustment techniques on babies that they use to improve spinal alignment and relax tight muscles in adults, but the difference is the pressure applied when working on babies is much gentler. There are a number of reasons parents seek out chiropractic care for their babies, and it can be used as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with other treatments, but you should always make your chiropractor aware of any health problems your baby has before they carry out any treatment, as some health problems may be contraindicated. Here are a few reasons parents seek out chiropractic care:

Birth Trauma

The act of being born can be tough for some babies, particularly for those whose birth was complicated and for those born by C-section, which tends to involve additional pressure being put on their bodies. A traumatic birth could cause your baby's spine to be slightly out of alignment, so a chiropractor can examine your baby's back and make gentle adjustments to their spine to bring it back into alignment. Spinal adjustments on babies are carried out using finger touches, which only apply gentle pressure.

Ear Infections

Some babies are prone to developing ear infections, and they tend to be caused by fluid building up in the Eustachian tube. This trapped fluid provides an excellent breeding ground for bacteria and increases the pressure in the inner ear, which leads to earache. Chiropractors can use gentle manual manipulation to dilate the muscles around the Eustachian tube, and when the muscles are dilated, the fluid can drain out from the tube. Draining the Eustachian tube won't resolve a bacterial infection, and your baby will likely need antibiotic drops, but it will bring relief from the pressure and pain your baby is experiencing and prevent further infections from developing.


Colic is a common problem in young infants, and the demands of caring for a colicky baby can greatly impact mum and dad's emotional well-being. Immaturity of the gastrointestinal system is considered to be the main cause of colic, and in chiropractic care, spinal health and gastrointestinal function are strongly correlated. So, chiropractors treat colic by carrying out gentle massage and spinal adjustments to encourage intestinal motility and strengthen the gastrointestinal system.

These are just a few examples of why you may seek chiropractic treatment for your baby. If you'd like to learn more about chiropractic care for infants, contact a chiropractor